support centre

Got a question? The quickest way to answer it is to check if you’re question is covered below. If you can’t find your question on the list please email us at via and we’ll be happy to help.

About your warranty

Like all precision devices, your watch needs regular service and proper care. If you would like to give your watch a service, if it has been in an accident or is faulty - our watch technicians can help.

To book a service or repair please complete the form below. We will then review your details and reply to you with how we can help, any estimated costs, timings, as well as next steps of how you can safely send your watch back to us.

The first step will be to arrange for the watch to be returned to Farer. Once it arrives the watch will be inspected to assess the fault. Should it be determined that the fault was caused by something not covered in our warranty, then the customer will be advised that there will be a charge to repair the watch. You can review what is not covered via the link below.

What doesn’t the warranty cover?

Your warranty can be negatively effected if you do not service your watch at the suggested intervals stated in the manual.

Repairs from Australia and New Zealand will be handled by our partners at Swiss Certified Watch Repairs. This allows us to complete repairs in that region much quicker than before, without compromising our high standards. Please contact Farer to organise your repair as usual, and we will arrange for your watch to be shipped to Swiss Certified Watch Repairs.

Book a service or repair